Palm oil assessments: Palm oil assessments – November 2024
Assessment date:
Sustainability policy and leadership
Available points: 6.12% 12-
1. Sustainable palm oil policy or commitment for all its operations? - ESG
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Has own policy on sustainable/responsible/ethical (or similar) palm oil for all the company's palm oil operations (i.e. all palm oil it produces, processes, purchases and/or trades), or clearly commits to the policy of its parent company or a buyer which covers all of its operations. Can be a standalone document or clear policies on sustainability. The policy should cover multiple dimensions of sustainability across the company’s operations covering both social and environmental issues.
[0.5 points] Partial: Commits to policy of its parent company or supplier, but does not clearly state that it applies to all the company's operations; or has
policy, but not clear that policy applies to all its operations (i.e. all palm oil it produces,[0 points] No: Has no policy/commitment; or only general statement that commits to sustainability; or only has corporate social responsibility (CSR)
2. Sustainable palm oil policy or commitment applies to all suppliers? - ESG
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Has own policy on sustainable/responsible/ethical (or similar) palm oil for all suppliers. Can be a standalone document or clear policies on sustainability. The policy should cover multiple dimensions of sustainability across all operations covering both social and environmental issues.
[0.5 points] Partial: Commitment only applies to some suppliers; or only general policies/commitments; or policy does not cover both social and environmental issues; or has separate supplier/sourcing policy that is more limited in scope than main sustainability policy.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
3. High-level position of responsibility for sustainability? - G
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports high-level position with sustainability responsibility, excluding board members.
[0.5 points] Partial: Sustainability team or similar, but not clear which position has high-level responsibility; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; data over five years old; or undated.
4. One or more members within the board of the company have responsibility for sustainability? - G
Disabled if company is not publicly listed and does not have a board.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: One or more members have responsibility for sustainability within the board of directors.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; data over five years old; or undated.
5. Reports gender balance of senior management team? - SG
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports gender balance of senior management team or equivalent.
[0.5 points] Partial: Gender balance not directly reported by company, but calculated from e.g. staff profiles/photos; or data between two and five years
old.[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Senior management team is defined as a group of higher-level executives within a company (normally five to twenty people).
6. Reports gender balance of board members? - SG
Disabled if company is not publicly listed and does not have a board.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports gender balance of board of directors' members.
[0.5 points] Partial: Gender balance not directly reported by company, but calculated from e.g. staff profiles/photos; or data between two and five years
old; or figure is difficult to calculate using available data.[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated
7. Member of multiple industry schemes or other external initiatives to reduce negative environmental or social outcomes associated with palm oil production? - ES
Comprehensive: Member of two or more schemes/initiatives.
Limited: Member of only one scheme/initiative; or only subsidiary/parent company is a member of one or more schemes/initiatives.
Insufficient: No membership
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
External sources:
POIG; UNGC; WBCSD; TFA 2020 HCS; HCVRN; FFA; Natural Capital Coalition; GAA; SASPO; GRI Community member; NYDF; PONGO Alliance; POCG; or others clearly focused on reducing negative environmental or social outcomes associated with palm oil production (assessed on case-by-case basis)
N.B. Should be externally verified through listing on membership schemes website.
8. Collaboration with stakeholders to reduce negative environmental or social outcomes associated with palm oil production? - ES
Comprehensive: Describes activities with stakeholders (governments/NGOs/academic institutions) to support positive environmental or social outcomes associated with palm oil production, such as conservation projects, jurisdictional approaches, sectoral initiatives, multi-stakeholder or community collaborations, or strengthening of certification schemes.
Limited: Provides examples of activities with stakeholders, but no/very limited details given or not clearly focused on reducing negative environmental or social outcomes associated with palm oil production; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
9. Sustainability report published within last two years? - ESG
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Published sustainability report, progress update or integrated annual/sustainability report within last two years (i.e. can publish in year of assessment minus two years and cover year of assessment minus three years). The report should cover both environmental and social aspects in detail.
[0.5 points] Partial: Report/progress update published between two and three years ago.
[0 points] No: No report; or report/progress update published over three years ago; or limited details in annual report.
10. Reports through standardised reporting systems? - ESG
N.B. To score points for GRI reporting on reports published AFTER January 1st 2023, this statement needs to be included in the evidence ‘[Company name] has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from [reporting period start and end dates]’ as per GRI 1: Foundation 2021 requirments.
To score points for GRI reporting on reports published BEFORE January 1st 2023, one of these statements needs to be included in the evidence ‘This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option’ OR ‘This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Comprehensive option’ as per per GRI 101: Foundation 2016.[1 point] Yes: Reports in one or more standardised reporting systems within the last two years. (e.g. report prepared in accordance with GRI standards, or company has submitted at least one CDP questionnaire).
[0.5 points] Partial: Only subsidiary follows scoring criteria for 1 point.
[0 points] No: No reporting standards used; or reporting over two years old.
External sources:
CDP reporting questionnaire; or other reporting and disclosure platforms to be assessed on a case by
case basis.
N.B. To score points for GRI reporting on reports published AFTER January 1st 2023, this statement needs to be included in the evidence ‘[Company name] has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from [reporting period start and end dates]’ as per GRI 1: Foundation 2021 requirments.
To score points for GRI reporting on reports published BEFORE January 1st 2023, one of these statements needs to be included in the evidence ‘This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option’ OR ‘This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Comprehensive option’ as per per GRI 101: Foundation 2016.
11. Verification report on compliance with POIG Charter, if a POIG member? - ESG
Disabled if not a POIG member.
N.B Limited reporting option not applicable for this indicator.
Comprehensive: POIG verification report has been published.
Limited: .
Insufficient: No POIG verification report has been published.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[NULL points] Partial: NULL
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
12. Climate risks assessment available? - EG
N.B See further information and guidance on conducting climate risk assessments on TCFD website ( and in FAO report (
Comprehensive: The company has conducted and published an assessment of climate-related risks including for example: actual and potential impacts of climate change on the company; metrics, targets and processes used to assess or manage climate risks; responsibilities. CDP Climate questionnaire can be accepted if publicly available and contains a comprehensive risk assessment as described above.
Limited: Only the summary of the risk assessment is available; or limited information provided.
Insufficient: No climate-related risks assessment or summary available.
N.B. Companies may report progress in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category. Additional points for external verification
under RSPO/POIG are not applicable for this indicator as it is not included in the RSPO Principles and Criteria/POIG Charter.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
N.B. See further information and guidance on conducting climate risk assessments on TCFD website ( and in FAO report (
Landbank, maps and traceability
Available points: 14.80% 29-
13. Lists countries and operations? - ESG
Disabled if only a trader. Write countries and scope of operations in explanation.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Provides details of countries of operation and the nature of operations within those countries (e.g. oil palm concessions, refineries). Only include operations upstream and one level downstream (e.g. no sales offices, trading centres).
[0.5 points] Partial: Only provides a list of countries where it operates; or only provides partial information (e.g. not all countries listed, details operations only for some countries not all).
[0 points] No: No information available.
External sources:
External source: RSPO Grower ACOP 2.3.1 Indonesia - Please indicate which province(s); 2.3.2 Malaysia - please indicate which state(s); 2.3.3 Other - please indicate which country(ies)
N.B. Information to be considered unavailable if hard to find/compile - e.g. can only be identified through multiple unrelated webpages.
14. Lists countries sourcing from? - ESG
Disabled if no suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Provides all countries it sources from.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only provides broad information (e.g. geographical region without specifying whether the company sources from all countries within the region).
[0 points] No: No information available; or company states sourcing is worldwide" or "global".
N.B. Information to be considered unavailable if hard to find/compile - e.g. can only be identified through multiple unrelated webpages"
15. Total land area managed/controlled for oil palm (ha)? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Total landbank the company manages/controls for oil palm (usually including planted area, unplanted area, and area under conservation
and scheme/plasma smallholders, may also include infrastructure if clearly stated).[0.5 points] Partial: Only provides total landbank including other crops, but the area for oil palm is unclear; data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or figure complicated to calculate; or if contradictory figures* are published from same time period (i.e. same year); or figures are approximate; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or figure provided aggregates area controlled by the company and its independent
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 2.1.7 Total land area controlled/managed by the member.
*N.B. Contradictory figures are those which deviate from each other by more than 5%. For example, if the Annual Report states 20,178 ha planted and the Sustainability Report states a figure which is 1,008 ha more or less than 20,178, then these are deemed contradictory figures.
16. Total oil palm planted area (ha)? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Total area planted with oil palm, including both estates/nucleus and scheme smallholder/plasma areas, if applicable.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or figure complicated to calculate; or contradictory figures are published* from same time period (i.e. same year); or figures are approximate; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or figure provided aggregates area controlled by the company and its independent
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP (max 0.5 points) 2.1.2 Total land controlled or managed for oil palm cultivation - planted and infrastructure.
*N.B. Contradictory figures are those which deviate from each other by more than 5%. For example, if the Annual Report states 20,178 ha planted and the Sustainability Report states a figure which is 1,008 ha more or less than 20,178, then these are deemed contradictory figures.
17. Scheme smallholders planted area (ha)? - ES
Disabled if no scheme smallholders or if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Total plasma/scheme smallholder area planted with oil palm.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or figure complicated to calculate; or contradictory figures* are published for same time period (i.e. same year); or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 2.1.6 Total land under scheme/plasma smallholders.
*N.B. Contradictory figures are those which deviate from each other by more than 5%. For example, if the Annual Report states 20,178 ha planted and the Sustainability Report states a figure which is 1,008 ha more or less than 20,178, then these are deemed contradictory figures.
18. Unplanted (areas designated for future planting) (ha)? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Area not yet planted but has been designated for future planting of oil palm, or that has obtained the necessary permits for oil palm
planting (e.g. obtained HGU in Indonesia).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear terminology (i.e. states "unplantable", or "unplanted including infrastructure"); or data does not cover company's known scope of operations; or figure complicated to calculate; or contradictory figures* are published from same time period (i.e. same year); or figures are approximate; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 2.1.3 Total land controlled or managed for oil palm cultivation - unplanted (hectares).
*N.B. Contradictory figures are those which deviate from each other by more than 5%. For example, if the Annual Report states 20,178 ha planted and the Sustainability Report states a figure which is 1,008 ha more or less than 20,178, then these are deemed contradictory figures.
19. Conservation set-aside area, including HCV area (ha)? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Area set aside for conservation, including HCV area, HCS area, and other areas such as peatlands, steep slopes, etc.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or if figure complicated to calculate; or contradictory figures* are published from same time period (i.e. same year); or figures are approximate; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or figure provided aggregates area set aside by the company and its suppliers
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 2.1.4 Total land designated and managed as HCV areas; 2.1.5 Other conservation area sets aside excluding HCV areas.
*N.B. Contradictory figures are those which deviate from each other by more than 5%. For example, if the Annual Report states 20,178 ha planted and the Sustainability Report states a figure which is 1,008 ha more or less than 20,178, then these are deemed contradictory figures.
20. Maps of estates/management units? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
N.B. If clearly states no expansion in landbank then maps may be over two years old for full points.[1 point] Yes: Has names and geo-referenced maps/polygon data which clearly show estate boundaries (digital maps such as shapefile or KML file) for all oil palm estates; or specifies that maps represent 100% of concession sites in RSPO ACOP. If company operates in multiple commodity sectors maps must show areas devoted to oil palm cultivation. Information must be in one or two places rather than spread in multiple places.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only reports static maps with coordinates; or has both names and geo-referenced maps/polygon data (digital maps such as shapefile or KML file) for some estates; or unclear if covers all estates; or maps are not specific to oil palm (i.e. estate boundary maps include other commodities); or maps do not show estate boundaries; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or static image file not at a local scale (i.e. cannot determine accurately where estates are located); or text on image unreadable.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 5.1 Has your company submitted concession maps to the RSPO in previous ACOP cycles?; 5.2 concessions acquired or
change in ownership; Global Forest Watch oil palm concessions; GeoRSPO
21. Maps of all scheme smallholders? - ES
Disabled if no scheme smallholders or if only a processor/trader.
N.B. (1) If clearly states no expansion in landbank then maps may be over two years old for full points.
N.B. (2) Statement in company reporting that smallholder maps have been submitted to the RSPO along with the company's own concession maps is sufficient.[1 point] Yes: Reports geo-referenced maps/polygon data which clearly show estate boundaries (digital maps such as shapefile, KML file) for all scheme smallholder estates.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only reports static maps with coordinates; or unclear if maps cover all scheme/outgrower smallholders; or only coordinates for a single point per smallholder; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or if static image file not at a local scale (i.e. cannot determine accurately where estate located) or text on image unreadable.
External sources:
22. Maps of all third-party supplying plantations? - ES
Disabled if no suppliers or if only has scheme smallholders.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports names and geo-referenced maps/polygon data which clearly show estate boundaries (digital maps such as shapefile, KML file) for all supplier estates within supply chain, excluding scheme/plasma smallholders. Information must be in one or two places rather than spread in multiple places.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only reports static maps with coordinates; or unclear if maps cover all supplier estates; or only coordinates for a single point per supplier estate; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or static image file not at a local scale (i.e. cannot determine accurately where plantations are located); or text on image unreadable; or data over five years old; or undated.
23. Number of company-owned mills? - ES
Disabled if company does not own mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Number of mills owned by the company.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or contradictory figures* are published from same time period (i.e. same year); or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 2.6.1 Number of palm oil mills operated
RSPO Certified Growers
*N.B. Contradictory figures are those which deviate from each other by more than 5%. For example, if the Annual Report states 5 mills and the Sustainability Report states a figure which is 3 more or less, then these are deemed contradictory figures.
24. Names and locations of company-owned mills? - ES
Disabled if company does not own mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Names and coordinates or addresses or geo-referenced maps (digital maps such as shapefile, KML, or static maps with coordinates) for all mills. For coordinates/adresses check that these can be used to generate location using GoogleMaps - all or if many mills test a sample. Information must match number of mills reported by company (dated) and must be in one or two places rather than spread in multiple places.
[0.5 points] Partial: As above, but only for some mills; or only static image without coordinates showing location of all mills; or only names of mills; or no dated source indicating number of mills controlled (i.e. received zero points for indicator above); or otherwise unclear.
[0 points] No: No data; or if static image file not at a local scale (i.e. cannot determine accurately where mills are located) or text on image unreadable.
External sources:
GFW Universal Mill List; GFW RSPO Palm Oil Mills; RSPO mills, GeoRSPO
25. Number (or percentage) of company-owned mills that source from company-owned operations and third parties? - ES
Disabled if company does not own mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: The company reports the number (or percentage) of company-owned mills that source FFB from company-owned plantations and the number (or percentage) of company-owned mills that source FFB from third-party plantations (if applicable).
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or does not report one if has both; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
26. Reports total volumes (or percentages) sourced by company-owned mills that come from company-owned operations and third-parties? - ES
Disabled if company does not own mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: The company reports the total volume of FFB sourced by company-owned mills that comes from company-owned plantations and the total volume of FFB sourced by company-owned mills that comes from third-party plantations (if applicable).
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or only reports volume for one if has both; or if some figures recorded but total volumes or percentage cannot be calculated; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
27. Number of third party supplying mills? - ES
Disabled if company does not source from supplying mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Number of all third-party supplying mills (mills supplying Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel (PK)).
[0.5 points] Partial: Data between two and five years old; or data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations (e.g. only covers one
country); or approximate data only (e.g. states that sources from over 100 mills).[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
28. Names and locations of all third-party supplying mills? - ES
Disabled if company does not source from supplying mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Names and coordinates; or addresses capable of generating locations on Google Maps; or names and geo-referenced maps (digital maps such as shapefile or KML, or static maps with coordinates) for all supplying mills. Information must match number of mills reported by company.
[0.5 points] Partial: As above, but only for some mills; or static image without coordinates showing location of all mills; or only names of mills; or unclear information provided on the above points; or no dated source indicating number of supplier mills (i.e. received zero points for indicator above).
[0 points] No: No data; or static image file not at a local scale (i.e. cannot determine accurately where mills estate located); or text on image unreadable.
29. Number (or percentage) of third party supplying mills that source from their own plantations and third party plantations? - ES
Disabled if company does not source from supplying mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: The company reports the number of supplying mills in its supply chain (to which origin is known) that source from these suppliers' own plantations AND the number of supplying mills that source from third-party plantations (if applicable).
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or does not report one if has both; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
30. Reports total volume (or percentages) sourced from third-party supplying mills that come from the supplying mills' own operations and third parties? - ES
Disabled if does not source from third-party mills. State volumes/percentages in explanation.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: For volumes, the company reports EITHER 1) the total volume of FFB or CPO/PK sourced by third-party supplying mills (to which origin is known) that comes from these suppliers' own operations AND the total volume of FFB OR CPO/PK sourced by third-party supplying mills that comes from other third-party operations to which origin is known. OR 2) one of the above and the total volume sourced from third-party supplying mills. For percentages, if percentage sourced is reported for only own or third-party can still award full points as percentage of other can be easily calculated.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or only reports volume for one if has both; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
31. Total volume (or percentage) sourced for refineries that comes from intermediary traders and/or refiners rather than directly from mills? - ES
Disabled if not a refiner or if only sources directly from mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: The company reports the total (or percentage) volume sourced for its refineries that comes from intermediary traders and/or refiners rather than directly from mills.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data provided does not cover company's known scope of operations; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
32. Time-bound commitment to achieve 100% traceability to mill level? - ESG
Disabled if not a crusher/refiner/trader or only sources from own mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Time-bound commitment to 100% traceability to mill; or already 100% traceable (must have been reported within last two years); or already 100% Identity Preserved.
[0.5 points] Partial: Commitment to less than 100% traceability; or commitment not time-bound; or in the past and not been met; or commitment does
not cover all sourcing[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
33. Percentage of supply traceable to mill level? - ESG
DIsabled if not a crusher/refiner/trader or if only sources from own mills.
For downstream operations, overall percentage of palm oil supply (Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel oil (PK)) traceable to mills (or percentage traceability to mill for refineries and kernel crushing plants). No points are awarded if data is over two years old or undated.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage volume that is traceable to mill level (e.g. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that are
40% traceable to mill).[1 point] Yes: 100% traceable.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% traceable
[0 points] No: 0% traceable, or data over two years old; or undated.
[+] 1.0 points: Companies are awarded 1 additional point if their traceability data is externally verified (including through a certification body, or if any of the company's crushers or refineries have RSPO SCC under IP or SG found through a Certified Companies (Supply Chain) search:
34. Time-bound commitment to achieve 100% traceability to plantation level? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower, or if has no suppliers (including scheme and independent smallholders).
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Time-bound commitment to 100% traceability to plantation (or 100% FFB traceability); or already 100% traceable (must have been reported within last two years); or already 100% Identity Preserved.
[0.5 points] Partial: Commits to less than 100% traceability; or not time-bound; or in the past and not been met; or unclear statement which does not specify plantation or farm level; or commitment does not cover all sourcing.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
35. Percentage of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) supply to own mills traceable to plantation level? - ESG
Disabled if company does not own mills, or if has no suppliers, (including scheme and independent smallholders).
For the company's own mills (upstream operations), overall percentage of FFB supply traceable to plantation, including smallholders and suppliers, if applicable. Full points awarded if the company is 100% certified as RSPO Identity Preserved (IP) i.e. 100% of mills have 100% of FFB supply covered under IP; if partially IP RSPO certified percentage calculated out of total FFB supply. No points are awarded if data is over two years old or undated.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage FFB from own mills that is traceable to plantation level (e.g. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that are 40% traceable to plantation level for their own mills).[1 point] Yes: 100% traceable.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% traceable.
[0 points] No: 0% traceable.
[+] 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage FFB from own mills that is traceable to plantation level (e.g. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that are 40% traceable to plantation level for their own mills).
36. Percentage of supply from third-party mills traceable to plantation level? - ESG
Disabled if not a crusher/refiner/trader or only sources from own mills
For downstream operations, overall percentage of FFB supply or palm oil supply (Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel oil (PK)) supply from third-party mills traceable to plantation
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage FFB from supplying mills that is traceable to plantation level (e.g. 0.4 points are awarded
for companies that are 40% traceable from supplying mills to plantation level).[1 point] Yes: 100% traceable
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% traceable
[0 points] No: 0% traceable; or data over two years old; or undated.
[+] 1.0 points: Companies are awarded 1 additional point if their traceability data is externally verified (including through a certification body, or if any of the company's refineries have Identity Preserved certification).
37. Publishes traceability data at refinery level? - ESG
Disabled if not a refiner.
Comprehensive: The company publishes percentage of supply traceable to plantation level per refinery for all refineries; or all refineries already 100% Identity Preserved.
Limited: The company only publishes percentage of FFB supply traceable to mill level; or publishes traceability to plantation level but not for all refineries.
Insufficient: No data.
N.B. Companies may report progress in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
38. Publishes traceability data at crusher level? - ESG
Disabled if not a crusher.
Comprehensive: The company publishes percentage of supply traceable to plantation level per crusher for all crushing facilities; or all crushers already 100% Identity Preserved.
Limited: The company only publishes percentage of FFB supply traceable to mill level; or publishes traceability to plantation level but not for all crushing facilities.
Insufficient: No data
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
Certification standards/Sustainability initiatives
Available points: 8.16% 16-
39. Member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)? - ESG
Comprehensive: Whole company/group is a member of RSPO, or subsidiary membership covers all palm oil operations.
Limited: Only subsidiary/subsidiaries are members.
Insufficient: Neither company nor any of its oil palm subsidiaries are members; or RSPO membership is currently suspended (if company is suspended from the RSPO, it is still assessed against RSPO indicators).
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
External sources:
N.B. External verification must be determined through listing on RSPO membership webpage.
40. RSPO-certified within three years of joining the RSPO or by November 2010, for companies joining prior to finalisation of the RSPO certification systems in November 2007? - ESG
Disabled if company only became an RSPO member within last three years.
Comprehensive: Certified within three years or prior to November 2010. If did not have mill built when joined, then assessed from year when mill built; or if had legitimate reason why could not get certified in time then point awarded with explanation. If only a trader, then date of first supply chain certification assessed.
Limited: Only subsidiary is a member and certified within three years or prior to November 2010.
Insufficient: Not certified within three years.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 4.1 Which year did your company achieve (or plans to achieve) its first RSPO P&C certification?; RSPO P&T ACOP 3.1
Which year did your company achieve (or expects to achieve) the RSPO supply chain certification or RSPO trader/distributor licence?
41. Submitted most recent RSPO Annual Communication of Progress (ACOP)? - ESG
Disabled if company joined RSPO within the year and does not have to submit an ACOP.
Insufficient: ACOP not submitted (if company is suspended from the RSPO, indicator still assessed).
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Submitted last ACOP.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only a subsidiary is a member and has submitted its most recent ACOP.
[0 points] No: ACOP not submitted (if company is suspended from the RSPO, indicator still assessed).
External sources:
42. Percentage of area (ha) RSPO-certified? - ESG
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage of area that is RSPO certified (i.e. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that have 40% of
their area RSPO certified). Data must be within last two years. If percentage is not available, can be calculated by dividing total landbank by total RSPO
certified area using figures from the same source, or using total certified area under RSPO P&C Certification (ACOP 2.2.2) divided by total land area
controlled/managed for oil palm cultivation (ACOP 2.1.8). Indicator refers to landbank directly controlled (i.e. excluding independent smallholders and
outgrower schemes).[1 point] Yes: 100% certified.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% certified.
[0 points] No: 0% certified; or percentage figure cannot be calculated using available data; or not clear whether figure covers all operations and/or
includes suppliers; or data over two years old; or undated
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP Certification progress - land under RSPO P&C Certification, excluding scheme smallholders;
43. Percentage of mills RSPO-certified? - ESG
Disabled if does not own any mills.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage of mills that are RSPO certified (i.e. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that have 40%
of their mills RSPO certified). Data must be within last two years.[1 point] Yes: 100% certified.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% certified.
[0 points] No: 0% certified; or data over two years old, or undated.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 2.6.2 Number of Palm Oil Mills certified under RSPO P&C RSPO certified growers
44. Time-bound plan for achieving 100% RSPO certification of estates and mills within 5 years? - ESG
Disabled if only a crusher/refiner/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Target within five years or already met.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only subsidiary is an RSPO member, and target within five years or already met.
[0 points] No: Target over five years; or missed target.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 4.2 Which year did your company achieve (or plans to achieve) 100% RSPO certification for all its estates and mills?
45. Time-bound plan for achieving 100% RSPO certification of all palm product processing facilities within 5 years? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Target within five years or already met.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only subsidiary is an RSPO member, and target within five years or already met.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
External sources:
RSPO P&T ACOP 3.3 Which year did your company achieve (or expects to achieve) 100% RSPO certification of all palm product processing
46. Percentage of scheme smallholders (ha) RSPO-certified? - ESG
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if no schemed smallholders.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage of scheme/plasma smallholders that are RSPO certified (i.e. 0.4 points are awarded for
companies that have 40% of their scheme/plasma smallholders RSPO certified).[1 point] Yes: 100% certified.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% certified.
[0 points] No: 0% certified; or data over two years old; or undated.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP: Certification progress - land under scheme smallholders.
47. Time-bound plan for achieving 100% RSPO certification of scheme/associated smallholders and outgrowers within 5 years or target already achieved? - ESG
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if has no scheme/plasma/associated smallholders or outgrowers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Target within five years or already met.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only subsidiary is an RSPO member, and target within five years or already met.
[0 points] No: Target over five years; or missed target.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 4.3 Which year did your company achieve (or plans to achieve) 100% RSPO certification of scheme smallholders?
48. Percentage of FFB supply (tonnes) from independent smallholders/outgrowers/third-party FFB suppliers that is RSPO-certified? - ESG
Disabled if only a crusher/refiner/trader or if no independent suppliers, inclusive of independent smallholders, outgrowers including associated smallholders, or other third-party suppliers.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage of FFB from independent smallholders/outgrowers/third-party FFB suppliers that is RSPO certified (i.e. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that have 40% of their FFB from independent smallholders/outgrowers/third-party FFB suppliers that is RSPO certified).[1 point] Yes: 100% certified.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% certified.
[0 points] No: 0% certified
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 2.5.4 Independent smallholders; 2.5.5 Outgrowers; 2.5.6 Other 3rd party supplier Total FFB volume that is supplied.
49. Percentage of all palm oil and oil palm products handled/traded/processed (tonnes) that is RSPO-certified? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage of all palm oil and oil palm products handled/traded/processed that is RSPO certified (i.e.
0.4 points are awarded for companies that have 40% of all palm oil and oil palm products handled/traded/processed that are RSPO certified).[1 point] Yes: 100% certified.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% certified.
[0 points] No: 0% certified; or data over two years old, or undated.
External sources:
RSPO P&T 2.4 According to the volume information you have provided in Question PT.2.2 and Question PT.2.3, your company's certified
palm oil, palm kernel oil and related products uptake is:
50. Sells RSPO-certified palm oil through Segregated or Identity Preserved supply chains? - ESG
Disabled if only have a processor/trader ACOP or not a grower.
No points are awarded if data is over two years old or undated.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage of CSPO and CSPK sold as Segregated and/or Identity Preserved (e.g. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that sell 40% SG/IP).[1 point] Yes: 100% SG/IP.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% SG/IP
[0 points] No: 0% SG/IP
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 3.2 CSPO sold as RSPO certified (Identity Preserved/Segregated); 3.9 CSPK sold as RSPO certified (Identity Preserved/Segregated)
51. Processes/trades RSPO-certified palm oil through Segregated or Identity Preserved supply chains? - ESG
Disabled if only have a grower ACOP or not a processor/trader.
No points are awarded if data is over two years old or undated.
N.B. Companies are awarded up to 1.0 point based on the percentage of CSPO, CSPKO, or CSPKE sourced as Segregated and/or Identity Preserved (e.g. 0.4 points are awarded for companies that source 40% SG/IP).[1 point] Yes: 100% SG/IP.
[0.01-0.99 points] Partial: 1-99% SG/IP
[0 points] No: 0% SG/IP
External sources:
RSPO P&T ACOP: 2.3. Volume of RSPO-certified palm oil and oil palm products sourced in the year (tonnes) (Identity
Preserved/Segregated); 2.3 Volume of RSPO-certified palm oil, palm kernel oil and related products sourced in the year (tonnes): Total
52. Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certified (100%)? - ESG
Disabled if only a crusher/refiner/trader or if does not operate in Indonesia.
Comprehensive: 100% of company's operations (mills and estates) ISPO certified. For external verification, all certificates must be publicly available.
Limited: Some of company's operations are ISPO certified; or only some certificates are publicly available.
Insufficient: Not certified or only reports being audited.
N.B. (1) For externally verified points certificates must be publicly available through company websites or certification body websites.
N.B. (2) Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
N.B. For externally verified points certificates must be publicly available through company websites or certification body websites.
53. Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certified? - ESG
Disabled if does not operate in Malaysia, or if only a trader, disabled if trader does not have physical possession of traded product.
Comprehensive: 100% of company's operations (mills and estates) MSPO certified (only counted as one if mill and estate in same location). For external verification, all certificates must be publicly available.
Limited: Some of the company's operations (mill, estate or facility) are MSPO certified; or only some certificates are publicly available.
Insufficient: Not certified or only reports being audited.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
MSPO certified growers and processing facilities; List of Certified Entities Under MSPO:; List of Certified Entities Under SCCS:
N.B. For externally verified points certificates must be publicly available through company websites, certification body websites or listed external sources.
54. Certified under voluntary sustainability certification scheme (e.g. ISCC, SAS, RSB)? - ESG
Comprehensive: Any of the company's palm oil operations certified under voluntary schemes, including ISCC, SAN, RSB, and organic certification.
Limited: Only IS0 14001 certified; or audited, but not yet clearly certified.
Insufficient: Member of scheme/s, but not yet certified or audited.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
ISCC; Sustainable Agriculture Standard; RSB
N.B. For externally verified points certificates must be publicly available through company websites, certification body websites or listed external sources.
Deforestation and biodiversity
Available points: 10.20% 20-
55. Commitment to zero conversion of natural ecosystems? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Company specifies a commitment to no/zero conversion" that explicitly includes all natural ecosystems."
[0.5 points] Partial: Company specifies has no/zero NET conversion (acknowledges that some conversion could be offset by ecosystem restoration such as through purchasing REDD+, offsets or mitigation banking); or has unclear commitment; or commitment does not cover all natural ecosystems.
[0 points] No: Company has no commitment to zero conversion.
External sources:
AFI definition of 'conversion' and 'natural ecosystems':
N.B. No points are available for a commitment to no deforestation or protecting HCV and HCS areas, as these commitments are covered elsewhere.
56. Commitment to zero conversion of natural ecosystems applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Company specifies a commitment to "no/zero conversion" that explicitly includes all natural ecosystems and applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Company specifies has no/zero NET conversion (acknowledges that some conversion could be offset by ecosystem restoration such as through purchasing REDD+, offsets or mitigation banking) which applies to all suppliers; or has unclear commitment; or commitment does not cover all natural ecosystems; or does not cover all suppliers.
[0 points] No: Company has no commitment to zero conversion.
External sources:
AFI definition of 'conversion' and 'natural ecosystems':
N.B. No points are available for a commitment to no deforestation or protecting HCV and HCS areas, as these commitments are covered elsewhere.
57. Commitment to zero deforestation? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Company specifies a commitment to no/zero deforestation" or clearly states will not develop on HCV HCS and peatland. Commitment must be in place as of 1 Jan 2020."
[0.5 points] Partial: Company only has no/zero NET deforestation (acknowledges that some forest loss could be offset by forest restoration such as through purchasing REDD+, offsets or mitigation banking); or has unclear no deforestation commitment; or has a time-bound commitment to zero deforestation in the future, or commitment made after 1st Jan 2020.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator. Company has no commitment to reducing deforestation/conversion.
N.B. Commitments made through outside initiatives are acceptable, but must meet the requirements of the indicator. For example, the New York
Declaration on Forests (NYDF) allows 1) a weaker no NET deforestation approach. This SPOTT indicator requires a commitment to zero deforestation, and;
2) commits only to end forest loss by 2030. This SPOTT indicator requires a zero-deforestation commitment to be implemented no later than 1 Jan 2020 for
full points. Partial parts are earned for a time-bound commitment to zero deforestation after 1 Jan 2020.
58. Commitment to zero deforestation applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Company specifies commitment to "no/zero deforestation"; or to not develop on HCV HCS and peatland applies to all suppliers (direct and indirect); or has commitment to zero conversion (scored full points in indicator 57) which applies to all suppliers. Commitment must be in place as of 1 Jan 2020.
[0.5 points] Partial: Company has no/zero net deforestation (acknowledges that some forest loss could be offset by forest restoration such as through
purchasing REDD+, offsets or mitigation banking) which applies to all suppliers; or has unclear no deforestation commitment which applies to all suppliers;
or zero-deforestation commitment only applies to some suppliers; or only has a time-bound commitment to sourcing from suppliers with a zerox02deforestation policy in the future; or commitment made after 1st Jan 2020.[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator. Company has no commitment to reducing deforestation/conversion.
N.B. Commitments made through outside initiatives are acceptable, but must meet the requirements of the indicator. For example, the New York
Declaration on Forests (NYDF) allows 1) a weaker no NET deforestation approach. This SPOTT indicator requires a commitment to zero deforestation, and;
2) Commits only to end forest loss by 2030. This SPOTT indicator requires a zero-deforestation commitment to be implemented no later than 1 Jan 2020 for
full points. Partial points are earned for a time-bound commitment to zero deforestation after 1 Jan 2020.
59. Criteria and cut-off date for defining deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion? - E
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Specifies the criteria or types of forest/areas that are not to be deforested/converted (e.g. primary forests, Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs), secondary forests, disturbed forests, HCS areas, HCV areas, etc.) and specifies a cut-off date beyond which deforestation or conversion would not be accepted.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only specifies the criteria/types of forests/areas that are not to be deforested or converted; or only specifies a cut-off date.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator; or no commitment to no deforestation (see indicator 57).
N.B. AFi operational guidance on cut-off dates
60. Criteria and cut-off date for defining deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion in supplier operations? - E
Disable if no suppliers, including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Specifies the criteria or types of forest/areas that are not to be deforested/converted by suppliers (e.g. primary forests, Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs), secondary forests, disturbed forests, HCS areas, HCV areas, etc.) and specifies a cut-off date beyond which deforestation or conversion would not be accepted in supplier operations.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only specifies the criteria/types of forests/areas that are not to be deforested or converted; or only specifies a cut-off date; or only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator; or no commitment to no deforestation (see indicator 58).
N.B. AFi operational guidance on cut-off dates
61. Evidence of monitoring deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
N.B. This indicator focuses on all deforestation/conversion that occurs in a company's operational area committed either by itself or by third parties.
Comprehensive: Specifies how deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion is being monitored (i.e. how monitoring encroachment), including the extent of the area monitored and timeframe.
Limited: Methodology, extent of area being monitored for deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion, and/or timeframe is unclear; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
62. Evidence of monitoring deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion in supplier operations? - E
Disabled if no suppliers, including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
N.B. This indicator focuses on all deforestation/conversion that occurs in a suppliers operational area committed either by itself or by third parties.
Comprehensive: Specifies how deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion is being monitored (i.e. how monitoring encroachment), including the extent of the area monitored and timeframe.
Limited: Methodology, extent of area being monitored for deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion, and/or timeframe is unclear; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
N.B. Monitoring data can be obtained from suppliers, and does not necessarily need to be conducted by the company itself. This indicator focuses on all deforestation/conversion that occurs in a supplier's operational area committed either by itself or by third parties. The area assessed does not need to cover all supplier operations.
63. Amount of deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion recorded in own operations since cut-off date? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports total area (i.e. ha or km2) of deforestation and/or ecoystem conversion recorded over the company's full operational area (area can be zero) since the
commitment cut-off date (see indicator 59, if automatic points awarded for RSPO rule then consider cut-off date as November 2018). Information must be in one or two places rather than spread in multiple places.[0.5 points] Partial: Data reported covers less than the company's operational area; or area figures found under grievances but consolidated figure
covering entire operations not reported; or data between two and five years old or not reported since cut-off date, or no cut-off date given.[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. This indicator focuses on all deforestation/ecosystem conversion that occurs in a company's operational area committed either by itself or by third parties.
64. Amount of deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion recorded in supplier operations since cut-off date? - E
Disabled if company only sources from own plantations.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports total area (i.e. ha or km2) of deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion recorded within the company's suppliers' operational area (area can be zero) since the commitment cut-off date in the operations of the company's direct or indirect suppliers (see indicator 60). Information must be in one or two places rather than spread in multiple places.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data reported does not cover all suppliers entire operational area; or area figures found under grievances but consolidated figure
covering entire operations not reported; or data between two and five years old or not reported since cut-off date, or no cut-off date given.[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Monitoring data can be obtained from suppliers, and does not necessarily need to be conducted by the company itself. This indicator focuses on all deforestation/ecoystem conversion that occurs in a supplier's operational area committed either by itself or by third parties. The area assessed does not need to cover all supplier operations.
65. Commitment to restoration of deforestation/conversion in own operations since cut-off date? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Company commits to restore ecosystems and their values to their prior condition and/or provide suitable compensation to restore these values in the case of deforestation or conversion within the company's own operations. Commitment must specify a cut-off date beyond which deforestation or conversion would not be accepted and must include all deforestation/conversion (i.e. not only restoration of HCVs without prior HCV assessment, as per RSPO Remediation and Compensation procedure).
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or does not include a cut-off date; or commitment does not cover all aspects of deforestation or conversion.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. This commitment is relevant to situations where a company may have failed (inadvertently or intentionally) to fully implement its commitment to zero deforestation. It also includes responsibility to remediate past harms in situations where a company purchases or acquires management rights to land
where deforestation has been conducted by previous owners/managers.
66. Commitment to restoration of deforestation/conversion in supplier operations since cut-off date? - E
For growers, disabled if has no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to restore ecosystems and their values to their prior condition and/or provide suitable compensation to restore these values
in the case of deforestation or conversion applies all suppliers. Commitment must specify a cut-off date beyond which deforestation or
conversion would not be accepted and must include all deforestation/conversion (i.e. not only restoration of HCVs without prior HCV assessment, as per RSPO
Remediation and Compensation procedure).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or does not include a cut-off date; or only applies to some suppliers; or commitment does not cover all aspects of deforestation or conversion.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
67. Implementing a landscape or jurisdictional level approach? - ES
Comprehensive: For producers, participating in or supporting multi-stakeholder planning and policy efforts at a landscape or jurisdictional level. For downstream actors, examples of support of upstream programmes is acceptable (e.g. financial). Examples include: supporting improved land governance policies and institutions; establishing, supporting, and complying with landscape-scale monitoring and enforcement mechanisms; participating in jurisdictional standards or assessment frameworks; or supporting sustainable development activities.
Limited: Statement about recognising the importance of a landscape or jurisdictional approach, but unclear if implementing; or only limited details available; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
Landscape and jurisdictional approach definition:
68. Biodiversity policy? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Has policy including both commitment and time-bound target on protecting biodiversity (can accept if refers to species AND
habitats/ecosystems). Commitment must cover all the company's palm oil operations (i.e. all palm oil it produces). The policy/commitment must clearly
apply both within and beyond HCV/HCS/set-asides (e.g. also covers biodiversity in plantation land or beyond concession boundaries) AND must contain at
least one measurable, time-bound target that shows impact of this policy/commitment on biodiversity/species/habitats (e.g. X% increase in population of species X against a defined baseline; or X ha of specific habitat restored by target year). Can be standalone policy or included within another sustainability policy. Information must be in one place rather than spread in multiple policies or documents.[0.5 points] Partial: Has policy, but does not clearly state that it applies to all the company's own palm oil operations; or only commitment with clear scope but no target, or target with no commitment; or has both commitment and target but only in relation to HCV/HCS/set-asides.
[0 points] No: Has no policy; or only general statement that company commits to biodiversity protection with no detail given on scope; or only has
individual commitments relating to biodiversity (e.g. no hunting, HCV assessments etc.) but no overarching commitment; or no target and only mentions
biodiversity in relation to inside HCV/HCS/set-asides
69. Biodiversity policy applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Has own policy on protecting biodiversity that applies to all suppliers. The policy should cover multiple dimensions (e.g. broad policy
covering multiple species/threats) of biodiversity protection, must apply both within and beyond HCV/HCS/set-asides (e.g. also covers biodiversity in
plantation land or beyond concession boundaries).[0.5 points] Partial: Policy only applies to some suppliers; or does not cover all suppliers' operations (i.e. does not apply to land beyond HCV/HCS/set-asides).
[0 points] No: Only mentions biodiversity; or only mentions biodiversity in relation to inside HCV/HCS/set-asides
70. Identified species of conservation concern, referencing international or national system of species classification? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader
Comprehensive: Company has identified species of conservation concern (e.g. rare, threatened, endangered), referencing an appropriate system of classification (e.g. IUCN Red List; national red list, CITES).
Limited: Species have been identified but not classified according to an appropriate system.
Insufficient: No data.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported
[0 points] No: Insufficient
[+] 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to an additional 1.0 point based on the percentage area that is currently RSPO certified against P&C 2013 &
2018 (e.g. 0.4 additional points are awarded for companies that are 40% RSPO certified)
71. Examples of species and/or habitat conservation management? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Multiple examples/evidence of species and/or habitat conservation management in plantations, company's set-aside areas or in surrounding landscape (can include activities in HCV, HCS, buffer zones, forests, peatlands, mangroves, wetlands, etc.). Examples include: enhancing plantation biodiversity, rehabilitation of riparian areas, native forest restoration, enhancement of mangroves, tree planting, clearly marking boundaries, putting up signs, planting of native species, ensuring no roads, monitoring peatland subsidence, limiting access, patrols, etc.
Limited: Only mentions one example of species and/or habitat management, or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No examples reported; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported
[0 points] No: Insufficient
72. Commitment to no hunting or only sustainable hunting of species? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to no hunting of all species or only sustainable hunting by local communities for subsistence purposes that does not cause
decline of local species populations.[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only no hunting of endangered, rare, threatened species; or if no hunting only applies to certain extent of operations (e.g. no hunting only in conservation set-asides); or only no illegal hunting/poaching.
[0 points] No: No commitment; or company allows employees to hunt.
73. Commitment to no hunting or only sustainable hunting of species applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to no hunting of all species or only sustainable hunting by local communities for subsistence purposes that does not cause
decline of local species populations applies to all suppliers.[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only no hunting of endangered, rare, threatened species; or no hunting only applies to certain extent of operations (e.g. no hunting only in conservation set-asides); or only no illegal hunting/poaching; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: No commitment; or company allows employees to hunt.
HCV, HCS and impact assessments
Available points: 7.65% 15-
74. Commitment to conduct High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to conduct HCV assessments.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only covers one country).
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
75. Commitment to conduct High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments applies to all suppliers? - ES
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to conduct HCV assessments applies to all suppliers (direct and indirect).
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
76. High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments for planting undertaken prior to January 2015, and associated management and monitoring plans? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if company has not done any planting since 2015 AND has not acquired any land that was planted prior to 2015.
Comprehensive: At least one HCV assessment (full report or summary), including integrated HCV-HCS assessments, conducted for planting undertaken prior to January 2015 publicly available, including new planting under scheme/plasma smallholders. All HCV assessments made publicly available have associated management and monitoring plans (full plans or summaries).
Limited: HCV assessments made publicly available, but do not have management and monitoring plans; or only some have management and monitoring plans; or has submitted RSPO NPPs, but no associated documents publicly available.
Insufficient: None available; or only states has done HCV assessments, but no documents or summaries available.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
HCVRN; RSPO NPP Notifications; RSPO ACOP 2015 2.6.1 Area planted in this reporting period; RSPO ACOP 2016 and 2017 2.4.1 New area planted in this
reporting period.
77. High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments for all estates planted/planned planting since January 2015? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if no new planting since January 2015, unless has undertaken HCV assessments that are not for new planting.
Comprehensive: HCV assessments (reports or summaries), including integrated HCV-HCS assessments, publicly available online for all areas newly planted and planned to be planted, including new planting and planned planting under scheme/plasma smallholders.
Limited: HCV assessments clearly cover only a limited portion of company operations (e.g. one specific geography the company is known to operate in); or clearly don't cover all ongoing activities (e.g. new plantation development); or has submitted RSPO NPPs for all new and planned plantings, but associated HCV assessment documents not publicly available; or HCV assessments submitted to HCVRN for review but not yet available.
Insufficient: No HCV assessments available; or available only on request; or only states has done HCV assessments but no report or summary available.
N.B. (1) Assessments of any planned planting that did not take place due to unsatisfactory result of the HCV assessment results should also be included
N.B. (2) Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
HCVN RSPO NPP Notifications; RSPO Grower ACOP 2015 2.6.1 Area planted in this reporting period; RSPO Grower ACOP 2.4.1 How much new land was planted by your company during this reporting period (hectares)?
78. High Conservation Value (HCV) or combined HCV/HCS management and monitoring plans for all estates planted/planned planting since January 2015? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if no new planting since January 2015, unless has undertaken HCV assessments that are not for new planting.
Comprehensive: HCV management and monitoring plans (reports or recommendation summaries), including integrated HCV-HCS assessments, publicly available for ALL areas newly planted and planned planting, including new and planned planting under scheme/plasma smallholders (either as standalone documents or within HCV assessment reports).
Limited: HCV management and monitoring plans (reports or summaries) publicly available only for some new plantings; or has submitted RSPO NPPs for all new and planned plantings, but associated HCV management and monitoring plan documents not publicly available.
Insufficient: No HCV management and monitoring plans, but new planting reported; or available only on request.
N.B. (1) Assessments of any planned planting that did not take place due to unsatisfactory result of the HCV assessment results should also be included
N.B. (2) Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
RSPO NPP Notifications
79. Commitment to only use licensed High Conservation Value (HCV) assessors accredited by the HCV Resource Network's Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS)? - ES
Disabled if only processors/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commits to only use HCV ALS licensed assessors.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or specifies HCV assessors, but not clearly ALS.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
80. Commitment to only use licensed High Conservation Value (HCV) assessors accredited by the HCV Resource Network's Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS) applies to all suppliers? - ES
For growers, disabled if only sources from independent smallholders.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to use HCV ALS licensed assessors applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or specifies HCV assessors, but not clearly ALS; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
81. Satisfactory review of all High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments undertaken since January 2015 by the HCV ALS Quality Panel? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if no new planting since January 2015, unless has undertaken HCV assessments that are not for new planting.
Comprehensive: All HCV assessments since January 2015 have been quality reviewed and deemed satisfactory (if also has assessments still under review full points can still be awarded). Combined HCV-HCS assessments since Nov 2017 should also be included here.
Limited: Only some HCV or combined HCV-HCS assessments since January 2015 have been quality reviewed and deemed satisfactory.
Insufficient: None quality reviewed or none deemed satisfactory; or all assessments still under review.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
External sources:
N.B. For externally verified points the HCV assessments must be marked as satisfactory on the HCVRN.
82. Commitment to the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to apply the HCS Approach, as defined by the HCS Approach Toolkit.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only covers one country); or not clearly the HCS Approach, but another high carbon stock assessment.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
83. Commitment to the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach applies to all suppliers? - ES
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to apply the HCS Approach, as defined by the HCS Approach Toolkit, applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or not clearly the HCS Approach, but another high carbon stock assessment methodology; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
84. High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments available? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if no new planting since January 2016.
Comprehensive: Any HCS assessment report or summary publicly available, including integrated HCV-HCS assessments, using either the HCS Approach or another high carbon stock method.
Limited: An HCS assessment has been submitted to the HCSA website but is pending review (conducted but not yet publicly available).
Insufficient: None available; or only on request; or states that has done HCS assessments but no report or summary available.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
HCS Approach Registered Assessments
85. Peer review of all High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments undertaken since April 2015 by the HCSA Quality Assurance Process? - ES
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if no new planting since April 2015, unless has undertaken HCS assessments that are not for new planting. Disable if all new planting is since November 2017 AND has all been covered under combined HCV-HCS assessments.
Comprehensive: All standalone HCS assessments since April 2015 have peer review report published on the HCSA website. Combined HCV-HCS assessments since Nov 2017 do not need to be included here.
Limited: Only some standalone HCS assessments since April 2015 have peer review report published on the HCSA website. Combined HCV-HCS assessments since Nov 2017 do not need to be included here.
Insufficient: None have peer review report published on the HCSA website. Combined HCV-HCS assessments since Nov 2017 do not need to be included here.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
N.B. For externally verified points the HCS assessments must have a peer review report available on the HCSA website.
86. Commitment to conduct social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs)? - ES
Disabled if only a trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to conduct SEIAs (or both EIA and SIAs). Local equivalents are acceptable: e.g. AMDALs as EIA in Indonesia.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only covers one country); only mentions EIA/AMDAL or SIA.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
87. Commitment to conduct social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs) applies to all suppliers? - ES
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to conduct SEIAs (or both EIA and SIAs) applies to all suppliers (direct and indirect). Local equivalents are acceptable: e.g.
AMDALs as EIA in Indonesia.[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only mentions EIA/AMDAL or SIA; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
88. Social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs) available, and associated management and monitoring plans? - ES
Disabled if only a trader.
N.B. HCS assessment reports can include SEIA summaries
Comprehensive: At least one social and environmental impact assessment (SEIA) (full report or summary) publicly available. All SEIAs made publicly available have associated management and monitoring plans (full plans or summaries).
Limited: SEIAs (full report or summary) have been made publicly available, but do not have management and monitoring plans; or only SIAs or EIAs have been made publicly available; or has submitted RSPO NPPs, but no associated documents publicly available.
Insufficient: None available; or only available on request; or only states has done SEIA, but no report or summary available.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
NPP notifications
Soils, fire and GHG emissions
Available points: 10.71% 21-
89. Commitment to no planting on peat of any depth? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Clear commitment to no planting on peat, clearly specifying for all depths of peatland or all peatland as defined using a recognised
definition (e.g. RSPO definition).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only certain depths or certain peatlands (e.g. forested); or commitment clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only covers one
country).[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. RSPO peat definition -
90. Commitment to no planting on peat of any depth applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Clear commitment to no planting on peat applies to all suppliers, clearly specifying for all depths of peatland or all peatland as defined
using a recognised definition (e.g. RSPO definition).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only certain depths or certain peatlands; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. RSPO peat definition -
91. Landbank or planted area on peat (ha)? - ES
Disabled if only processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports total area or planted area that is on peatland.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data between two and five years old; or does not cover the full scope of a company's operations; or only reports conservation area on peat; or approximate or unclear figure
provided.[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. If data over two years old but has not planted since figure reported then points can be awarded; figure may be contained within Life Cycle Assessment
92. Implementation of commitment to no planting on peat of any depth? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader OR if producer clearly states that it has no operations on peatland for above indicator (Landbank or planted area on peat (ha)")."
Comprehensive: Landbank/area planted on peat has not increased (unless additional landbank on peat is a result of an acquisition/merger or the availability of new data). Landbank data must be reported every two years as a minimum and most recent figure must be within last two years.
Limited: Data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
93. Commitment to best management practices for soils and peat? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to best management practices (BMPs)/good agricultural practices (GAP) for soils AND peat (or only soils if clearly states no
peat in any operations). For example, not degrading, reducing compaction, no erosion, or conserving soils. Must be a full commitment to best practice, not just a limited selection of practices (e.g. a simple statement on preventing erosion).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only commits to BMPs for soils or peat; or commits to a limited selection of practices for both soils AND peat; or does not cover all
of the company's operations.[0 points] No: No commitment; or only covers a limited selection of practices for soil OR peat.
94. Commitment to best management practices for soils and peat applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to best management practices (BMPs)/good agricultural practices (GAP) for soils AND peat (or only soils if clearly states no
peat in any operations) applies to all suppliers. For example, not degrading, reducing compaction, no erosion, or conserving soils. Must be a full
commitment to best practice, not just a limited selection of practices (e.g. a simple statement on preventing erosion).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only commits to BMPs for soils or peat; or commits to a limited selection of practices for both soils AND peat; or commitment only
applies to some suppliers.[0 points] No: No commitment; or only covers a limited selection of practices for soils OR peat.
95. Evidence of best management practices for soils and peat? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Examples showing that implements management practices to conserve soils and peat (or only soils if clearly states no peat in any of its operations). Examples include: nutrient recycling; no planting on marginal or fragile soils; using terracing or ground cover to reduce erosion; managing water levels for peat; training courses/workshops on soils/peat.
Limited: Only shows evidence of soil management, but has landbank on peat; or only shows evidence of peat management; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
[+] up to 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to an additional 1.0 point based on the percentage area that is currently RSPO certified against P&C 2013
and/or 2018 (e.g. 0.4 additional points are awarded for companies that are 40% RSPO certified).
96. Commitment to zero burning? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Clear commitment to no or zero burning.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only covers one country); or only a commitment to limit the use of fire.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
97. Commitment to zero burning applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Clear commitment to no or zero burning applies to all suppliers (direct and indirect).
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
98. Evidence of fire monitoring and management? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Evidence of at least one fire monitoring and one fire management activity. For example: system for monitoring hotspots/fires; area monitored for hotspots/fires; how manages/deals with reported fires; measures to prevent fires; activities as part of Fire Free Alliance.
Limited: Only one type of activity mentioned; or data between two and five years old
Insufficient: No evidence; or evidence only relates to company facilities (e.g. mills); or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
[+] up to 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to an additional 1.0 point based on the percentage area that is currently RSPO certified against P&C 2018
(e.g. 0.4 additional points are awarded for companies that are 40% RSPO certified).
99. Details/number of hotspots/fires in company estates? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Total number of hotspots/fires or details on all hotspots/fires over specified timeframe within company's own estates.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only reports limited information on fires/hotspots within company's own estates; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
100. Details/number of hotspots/fires within surrounding landscape/smallholders? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Total number of hotspots/fires or details on all hotspots/fires over specified timeframe within surrounding landscape and/or smallholder
estates.[0.5 points] Partial: Only reports limited information on fires/hotspots within surrounding landscape and/or smallholder estates; or data between two
and five years old.[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Monitoring data can be obtained from suppliers, and does not necessarily need to be conducted by the company itself. The area assessed does not need to cover all supplier operations.
101. Time-bound commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity? - E
If only a trader, disable if does not have physical possession of traded product.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment must clearly cover all palm operations (although this can be as part of an aggregate figure across other commodities). Time-bound commitment to reduce GHG intensity, which explicitly includes AT LEAST scope 1 and scope 2 emissions (can be combined), by a specified amount and to be reached by a specified year and against a specified baseline (i.e. by X% by YYYY from a YYYY baseline) or time-bound commitment already met (must have been reported within the last two years).
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all palm oil operations e.g. only applies to transport emissions; or has target to reduce GHGs but not time-bound; or time-bound but no target (e.g. plan to reduce GHGs by 2025 but does not say how much by); or target is not intensity-based; or target to reach net-zero/carbon neutrality without reporting reduction from sequestration/removals separately; or target does not include at least scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.
[0 points] No: No target; or vague commitment to reduce general emissions or GHG emissions.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP (max 0.5 points unless scope 1 and 2 stated) 6.5 Does your company have an annual GHG emissions reduction/minimising target?; 6.5.1 What is your company's annual GHG emissions reduction/minimising target (in absolute tCO2e/tCPO or in percentage terms)?; SBTi
N.B. (1) State in description if company's target is verified by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
N.B. (2) Figure should be reported for company's most downstream operations.
102. GHG emissions intensity? - E
If only a trader, disable if does not have physical possession of traded product.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Figures must be specific to palm oil operations. Reports GHG emission intensity figures (i.e. GHG emissions per hectare or tonne of product). Figures must explicitly include AT LEAST scope 1 and scope 2 emissions (can be combined). Examples of intensity include: average GHG emissions for all management units by hectare (tCO2e/ha); average GHG emissions for all management units per tonne of crude palm oil (tCO2e/tCPO); average GHG emissions for all management units per tonne of FFB processed (tCO2e/tFFB); or if overall emission intensity figures are reported including sequestration then emission and sequestration figures are clearly separated.
[0.5 points] Partial: Not clear figures relate to palm oil operations; or does not cover whole scope of palm oil operations e.g. only report transport emissions; or emission and sequestration figures are not separated (or it is not clear whether they are separated); or reports emission figures but not as intensity; or figures reported as intensity for sales (e.g. tCO2e/$million); or figures do not clearly include at least scope 1 and scope 2 emissions; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP (max 0.5 points unless scope 1 and 2 stated) 6.1 What is the average GHG footprint for all certified management units by
hectare (tCO2e/ha)?; 6.2 What is the average GHG footprint for all certified management units per tonne of crude palm oil (tCO2e/tCPO)?
N.B. (1) If reported in ACOP only, partial points should be awarded as this only covers certified units.
N.B. (2) Information from CDP Climate Change questionaire section C6.10 can be used if questionaire published on company website
N.B. (3) Figure should be reported for company's most downstream operations.
103. GHG emissions from land use change in company's own operations (scope 1)? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader or if no new land development since January 2015.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Figures must be specific to palm oil operations. Reports total greenhouse gas emissions relating to land use change (including deforestation, conversion, and draining of peatland or wetlands) in the company's own operations (scope 1).
[0.5 points] Partial: Not clear figures relate to palm oil operations or whole scope of palm oil operations; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
External sources:
SBTi FLAG and GHG Protocol aligned definition of land use change (page 14):
104. GHG emissions from land use change in supplier operations (scope 3)? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Figures must be specific to palm oil operations. Reports total greenhouse gas emissions relating to land use change (including deforestation, conversion, and draining of peatland or wetlands) in the company's palm oil supply chains (scope 3), to which origin is known.
[0.5 points] Partial: Not clear figures relate to palm oil operations or whole scope of known company operations; or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
External sources:
SBTi FLAG and GHG Protocol aligned definition of land use change (page 14):
105. Progress towards commitment to reduce GHG emissions intensity? - E
If only a trader, disable if does not have physical possession of traded product.
Comprehensive: Figures must be specific to palm oil operations. Reports a reduction in GHG intensity (i.e. CO2e per tonne of product) from previous year or has already met target. Data must be reported every two years as a minimum and most recent figure must be within last two years. Most recent figures must explicitly include AT LEAST scope 1 and scope 2 emissions (can be combined).
Limited: Reports figures on GHG intensity but intensity figure has not improved from previous year; or reports progress but not as intensity figures (e.g. overall emissions); or figures reported as intensity for sales (e.g. m3 / $million); or emission and sequestration figures are not separated; or figures only include palm oil operations as part of aggregate figure; or does not cover all palm oil operations; or does not cover whole scope of palm oil operations e.g. only report transport emissions; or emission and sequestration figures are not separated (or it is not clear whether they are separated); or figures do not explicitly include AT LEAST scope 1 and scope 2 emissions; or most recent data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or provides data but not reporting in intensity and not improving.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
106. Methodology used to calculate GHG emissions? - E
If only a trader, disable if does not have physical possession of traded product.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: States methodology used (e.g. RSPO PalmGHG Calculator, ISCC GHG Emissions Calculation Methodology, ISPO Calculator, GHG Protocol).
[NULL points] Partial: NULL
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. If company does not use a recognised methodology then the methodology must be detailed in full for full points.
107. Percentage of mills with methane capture (100%)? - E
Disabled if company does not own mills.
Comprehensive: All mills have methane/biogas capture.
Limited: Only some mills have methane/biogas capture.
Insufficient: Zero mills have methance/biogas capture.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
Water, chemical and pest management
Available points: 12.76% 25-
108. Time-bound commitment to improve water use intensity? - E
Disabled if only a grower or trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment must clearly cover all palm operations (although this can be as part of an aggregate figure across other commodities). Time-bound commitment to reduce water use intensity (i.e. water use per tonne of product) by a specific amount to be reached in a specific year and against a specified baseline (i.e. by X% by YYYY from a YYYY baseline); or already met target (must have been reported within the last two years).
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment only refers to a limited sub-set of company operations (i.e. some mills); or commitment in place but not time-bound; or does not refer to water use intensity.
[0 points] No: No commitment; or only general commitment to improve water use.
109. Water use intensity? - E
Disabled if only a grower or trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Figures must be specific to palm oil operations. Reports water use intensity figures (i.e. water use per tonne of product). Examples of intensity include: water use per MT FFB processed (m3 / MT FFB processed); water use per MT product processed (m3 / MT processed).
[0.5 points] Partial: Figures only include palm oil operations as part of aggregate figure; or not clear figures relate to palm oil operations; or does not cover whole scope of palm oil operations e.g. only report for one country of operation; or reports water use figures but not as intensity; or figures reported as intensity for sales (e.g. m3 / $million); or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. If a company operates mills and refineries figures can be reported either separately or aggregated for full points. Figure aggregation under partial points refers to aggregating palm oil intensity data with those of other industries owned by the company.
110. Progress towards commitment on water use intensity? - E
Disabled if only a grower or trader or if company has no palm oil processing facilities, including mills.
Comprehensive: Figures must be specific to palm oil operations. Reports a reduction in water use intensity (i.e. water use per tonne of product) from previous year or; has already met target; or target is to stay below a specified intensity and this has been achieved. Data must be reported every two years as a minimum and most recent figure must be within last two years.
Limited: Reports figures on water use intensity over time but intensity not improving; or reports progress but not as intensity figures; or figures reported as intensity for sales (e.g. m3 / $million); or figures only include palm oil operations as part of aggregate figure; or not clear figures relate to palm oil operations; or does not cover whole scope of palm oil e.g. only report for one country of operation; or target to keep below a specified intensity has not been met; or most recent data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: Reports some water use figures, but not as intensity figures and water use not improving; or data not reported; or most recent data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient
111. Time-bound commitment to improve water quality (BOD and COD)? - E
Disabled if the company does not own mills or refineries.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment must clearly cover all palm operations (although this can be as part of an aggregate figure across other commodities). Timex02bound commitment to improve BOD or COD; or commitment to be within legal limits; or is already within legal limits (must have been reported in the last
two years).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment only refers to a limited sub-set of company operations (i.e. some mills); or commitment to improve water quality, but
this is not time-bound; or target met over two years ago.[0 points] No: No commitment; or general commitment to water quality not referring to BOD or COD.
112. Progress towards commitment on water quality (BOD and COD)? - E
Disabled if company does not own mills or refineries.
Comprehensive: Figures must be specific to palm oil operations. Reports an improvement in both BOD and/or COD over time; or reports that BOD and/or COD are within specified legal limits. Data must be reported every two years as a minimum and most recent figure must be within last two years.
Limited: Reports progress on water quality, but not improving/progressing towards targets; reports levels are within legal limits but does not specify legal limit figures; or figures only include palm oil operations as part of aggregate figure; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or reports figures but not clear if improving water quality; or only states within legal limits but does not specify what those limits are.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
113. Treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME)? - E
Disabled if company does not own mills.
Comprehensive: Treats POME (i.e. does not just discharge into waterways without treatment in ponds or similar).
Limited: Mentions wastewater treatment but does not explicitly mention POME.
Insufficient: No evidence of wastewater treatment.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
[+] up to 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to an additional 1.0 point based on the percentage area that is currently RSPO certified against P&C 2013
and/or 2018 (e.g. 0.4 additional points are awarded for companies that are 40% RSPO certified).
114. Treatment of palm oil refinery effluent (PORE)? - E
Disabled if company does not own refineries.
Comprehensive: Treats PORE (i.e. does not just discharge into waterways without treatment in ponds or similar).
Limited: Mentions wastewater treatment but does not explicitly mention PORE.
Insufficient: No evidence of wastewater treatment.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
115. Commitment to protect natural waterways through buffer zones? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to have buffer or riparian zones to protect natural waterways.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment to buffer or riparian zones or protection of natural waterways clearly does not cover all operations.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
116. Implementation of commitment to protect natural waterways through buffer zones? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Company provides evidence that buffer or riparian zones are in place (e.g. maps).
Limited: Limited evidence provided; only a standard operating procedure available; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No evidence; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
[+] up to 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to an additional 1.0 point based on the percentage area that is currently RSPO certified against P&C 2013
and/or 2018 (e.g. 0.4 additional points are awarded for companies that are 40% RSPO certified).
117. Commitment to minimise the use of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical fertilisers? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to minimise, reduce or limit use of chemicals/toxins, mentioning both (chemical) fertilisers and pesticides.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only generally mentions reducing chemical use; or commitment only covers pesticides or fertilisers (if both used); or commitment
clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only covers one country).[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
118. Commitment to minimise the use of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical fertilisers, applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to minimise, reduce or limit use of chemicals/toxins, mentioning both (chemical) fertilisers and pesticides, applies to all
suppliers.[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only generally mentions reducing chemical use; or commitment only covers pesticides or fertilisers (if both used); or commitment
only applies to some suppliers[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
119. Commitment to no use of paraquat? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to not use paraquat or only use in emergency/exceptional circumstances.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or time-bound plan for phasing out; or does not cover all operations.
[0 points] No: Only general statement that will phase-out that is not time-bound.
120. Commitment to no use of paraquat applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to not use paraquat or only use in emergency/exceptional circumstances applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or time-bound plan for phasing out; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Only general statement that will phase-out that is not time-bound.
121. Commitment to no use of World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to not use WHO Class 1A and 1B pesticides or only use in emergency/exceptional circumstances.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or time-bound plan for phasing out; or does not cover all operations.
[0 points] No: Only general statement that will phase-out that is not time-bound.
122. Commitment to no use of World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to not use WHO Class 1A and 1B pesticides or only use in emergency/exceptional circumstances applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or time-bound plan for phasing out; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Only general statement that will phase-out that is not time-bound.
123. Commitment to no use of chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to not use Stockholm and Rotterdam Convention chemicals or only use in emergency/exceptional circumstances.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or time-bound plan for phasing out; or only refers to one of the conventions; or does not cover all operations.
[0 points] No: Only general statement that will phase-out that is not time-bound.
124. Commitment to no use of chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention applies to all suppliers? - E
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to not use Stockholm and Rotterdam Convention chemicals or only use in emergency/exceptional circumstances applies to
all suppliers.[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or time-bound plan for phasing out; or only refers to one of the conventions; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Only general statement that will phase-out that is not time-bound.
125. Chemical usage per ha or list of chemicals used? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Chemical usage figures per ha (e.g. fertiliser use or toxicity level); or list of chemicals used in palm oil operations. Should cover pesticides
and chemical fertilisers.[0.5 points] Partial: Chemical usage figures only for some parts of company's operations; or unclear what figures relate to; or figures not reported for both pesticides and chemical fertilisers; or figures between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
126. Implementation of commitment to minimise inorganic fertiliser use? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Evidence of reducing chemical fertilise use. Examples include 'precision agriculture', using empty fruit bunches or organic residues as a source of nutrients, or reporting figures showing reduction in inorganic fertiliser use.
Limited: Limited evidence provided; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No evidence; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
[+] up to 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to an additional 1.0 point based on the percentage area that is currently RSPO certified against P&C 2018 or
POIG verified (e.g. 0.4 additional points are awarded for companies that are 40% RSPO certified).
127. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach? - E
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Clearly has an integrated pest management (IPM) approach. e.g. statement that uses IPM and provides evidence that using natural pest control; or cover crops to suppress pests; or figures showing reduction in chemical pesticide use, etc.
Limited: Mentions IPM, but unclear if implementing this; or just states that implements IPM; or only describes what IPM is; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No evidence of implementation of IPM approach; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
[+] up to 1.0 points: Companies are awarded up to an additional 1.0 point based on the percentage area that is currently RSPO certified against P&C 2013
and/or 2018 (e.g. 0.4 additional points are awarded for companies that are 40% RSPO certified).
128. Waste management system in place to avoid negative impacts? - E
Disabled if only a trader.
Comprehensive: Clearly has a waste management system in place that covers various aspects of palm oil production and processing to ensure that waste storage, treatment and disposal practices do not pose health or safety risks to workers, other people, or natural ecosystems.
Limited: Limited details of a waste management system; or system in place only for certain operations (e.g. only for mills or only for plantations); or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No evidence of implementation of a waste management system or unclear if waste management system being implemented e.g. only mentioned in a policy; or system only for one aspect of waste management (e.g. only for chemicals); or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
Community, land and labour rights
Available points: 17.86% 35-
129. Commitment to human rights? - S
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commits to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights or UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights (also known as the UN Ruggie
Principles or Ruggie Framework of Protect, Respect and Remedy"); or commits to human rights principles as part of being UN Global Compact member."[0.5 points] Partial: Commits to respect human rights, but does not reference the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights or equivalent; or company only commits to human rights in relation to its employees; or commitment only covers some of the company's operations.
[0 points] No: Only mentions human rights, but no clear commitment.
External sources:
UN Global Compact members:
130. Commitment to human rights applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights or UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights (also known as the UN Ruggie Principles or Ruggie Framework of "Protect, Respect and Remedy") applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Commits suppliers to respect human rights, but does not reference the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or equivalent; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
131. Progress on human rights commitment? - S
Comprehensive: The company provides evidence of actions taken to implement its human rights policies, e.g. giving training to employees on its human rights policies; setting up dedicated teams or committees responsible for implementation; putting processes in place to identify and mitigate negative impacts on human rights
Limited: Limited details given; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
132. Commitment to respect Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' rights? - S
Disabled if only a refiner or trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commits to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples or to the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (no. 169).
[0.5 points] Partial: Commits to local communities and/or Indigenous Peoples' rights, but does not reference the UN Declaration/ILO Convention; or only mentions local communities and Indigenous Peoples' rights in relation to land tenure or FPIC.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
133. Commitment to respect Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' rights applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples or ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (no. 169), or
standalone commitment to ILO 169, applies to all suppliers.[0.5 points] Partial: Commits to local communities' and/or Indigenous Peoples' rights, but does not reference the UN Declaration/ILO; or only mentions local communities and Indigenous Peoples' rights in relation to land tenure or FPIC; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
134. Commitment to respect legal and customary land tenure rights? - S
Disabled if only a refiner or trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment/respect for legal and customary (or traditional) land tenure (or property) rights; or for ownership and access/use land
rights; or commits to FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food
Security.[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only commits to customary/traditional land rights; or only legal land rights; or only mentions in relation to FPIC.
[0 points] No: Only mentions legal land ownership.
N.B. Commitment to legal and customary land rights may not be in the same place.
135. Commitment to respect legal and customary land rights applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment/respect for legal and customary (or traditional) land tenure (or property) rights applies to all suppliers; or commits to FAO Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security for all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or only commits to customary/traditional land rights; or only legal land rights; or only mentions in relation to FPIC; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Only mentions legal land ownership.
N.B. Commitment to legal and customary land rights may not be in the same place.
136. Commitment to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC)? - S
Disabled if only a refiner or trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment that FPIC is respected across all operations or similar.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only covers one country).
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
137. Commitment to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment that FPIC is respected across all operations applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
138. Details of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) process available? - S
Disabled if only a refiner or trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Flowchart, details of steps taken or description of methodology detailing how FPIC principle is operationalised; or commits to follow
process by external initiative (if process of the initiative is publicly available, e.g. UN REDD).[0.5 points] Partial: Process available but limited detail; or only a case study of how FPIC implemented.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. May be outlined in SEIA assessment. HCS assessment reports include FPIC, HCV and SEIA summaries. External sources for SEIA/HCS/HCV reports can
be considered.
139. Examples of local stakeholder engagement to prevent conflicts? - S
Disabled if only a refiner or trader.
Comprehensive: Multiple examples/evidence of local stakeholder engagement activities beyond FPIC (e.g. participatory mapping, permanent staff with responsibility, drop in days).
Limited: Only mentions one example of local stakeholder engagement activities; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No examples/evidence provided; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
140. Details of process for addressing land conflicts available? - S
Disabled if only a refiner or trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports the process for addressing land conflicts, such as land conflict resolution process, or similar.
[0.5 points] Partial: Reports that has land conflict process, but very limited detail; or that has conflict process, but unclear if covers land conflicts; or process does not cover all operations; or land conflicts included in grievance process but no separate process reported.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. This indicator looks for a process, not examples of how the company addresses land conflicts.
141. Supports the inclusion of women across palm oil operations, including addressing barriers faced? - S
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Evidence is provided of the company's steps to support the inclusion of women across palm oil operations, including addressing barriers faced; for example: access and control over forest resources, land, technology, financial resources, training, and information.
Limited: Limited details provided; or data is between two and five years old.
Insufficient: Does not meet requirements for this indicator; or data is over five years old.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
142. Commitment to mitigate impacts on food security? - S
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to ensure food security for local communities through assisting with culturally relevant and appropriate crop diversity
and/or security of food prices.[0.5 points] Partial: Only mentions food security or access to food, but not clearly in relation to local communities; or not clearly in relation to palm oil
operations.[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. Food security can be defined as physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet dietary needs. Examples include:
supporting communities with crop diversification and food production initiatives such as intercropping systems; increasing market access to village
communities; training/education on sustainable agricultural practices; provision of equipment.
143. Progress on commitment to mitigate impacts on food security? - S
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Comprehensive: Reports multiple examples of culturally relevant and appropriate activities conducted to mitigate impacts on food security for local communities. Examples include: assistance with crop diversification, security of food prices, agricultural training.
Limited: Only mentions food security activities generally but does not provide specific examples; or only provides one example; or reported activities between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
144. Commitment to provide essential community services and facilities? - S
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to provide some essential community services and facilities, where appropriate.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all of the company's operations (e.g. only covers one country).
[0 points] No: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all of the company's operations (e.g. only covers one country).
145. Progress on commitment to provide essential community services and facilities? - S
Disabled if only a processor/trader.
N.B. These services and facilities should cater for the wider community, not just employees.
Comprehensive: Reports multiple examples of facilities and/or services that have been provided to communities. Examples include: schools built and/or maintained; medical centres built and/or maintained; access to vaccines and medication; access to clean, drinkable water; access to electricity; housing provided and/or maintained; other buildings provided, as agreed with the local communities.
Limited: Only mentions providing facilities and/or services generally but does not provide specific examples; or only provides one example; or reported activities between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
N.B. These services and facilities should cater for both employees and the wider community.
146. Commitment to provide business/work opportunities for local communities? - S
Disabled if only a crusher/refiner/trader.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to provide business/work opportunities for local communities (e.g. through outgrower schemes, or working in
production/processing).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment or commitment clearly does not cover all of the company's operations (e.g. only covers one country).
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
147. Commitment to Fundamental ILO Conventions or Free and Fair Labour Principles? - S
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commits to all Fundamental ILO Conventions either by stating commits to all Fundamental or Core ILO Conventions; referring to ILO
number; or referring to the same language as the title (i.e. states "Freedom of Association and Protection of the Rights to Organise"); or states it commits to the ILO's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; or commits to Free and Fair Labour Principles."[0.5 points] Partial: Refers to five or more ILO Conventions; or unclear if applies to all types of employees (e.g. temporary employees).
[0 points] No: Refers to fewer than five ILO conventions
N.B. Ten Fundamental ILO Conventions: Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise (No. 87); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining (No. 98); Forced Labour (No. 29); Abolition of Forced Labour (No. 105); Minimum Age (No. 138); Worst Forms of Child Labour (No. 182); Equal Remuneration (No. 100); No Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) (No. 111); Occupational Safety and Health (No. 155); Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health (No. 187)
148. Commitment to Fundamental ILO Conventions or Free and Fair Labour Principles applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to all Fundamental ILO Conventions applies to all suppliers, either by stating commits to all Fundamental or Core ILO Conventions; referring to ILO
number; or referring to the same language as the title (i.e. states "Freedom of Association and Protection of the Rights to Organise"); or states it commits to the ILO's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; or commits to Free and Fair Labour Principles."[0.5 points] Partial: Refers to five or more ILO Conventions; or unclear if applies to all types of employees (e.g. temporary employees).
[0 points] No: Refers to fewer than five ILO conventions
N.B. Ten Fundamental ILO Conventions: Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise (No. 87); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining (No. 98); Forced Labour (No. 29); Abolition of Forced Labour (No. 105); Minimum Age (No. 138); Worst Forms of Child Labour (No. 182); Equal Remuneration (No. 100); No Discrimination (No. 111); Occupational Safety and Health (No. 155); Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health (No. 187)
149. Progress on commitment to respect all workers' rights? - S
Comprehensive: The company provides evidence of actions taken to implement its workers' rights policies, e.g. giving training to employees on workers' rights; setting up dedicated teams or committees responsible for implementation; putting processes in place to identify and mitigate negative impacts on workers' rights
Limited: Limited details given; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
150. Commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment? - S
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to prevent employment and/or occupation-related discrimination based on gender; or commits to ILO Convention 111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation).
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all employees or operations (e.g. only covers one country).
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
151. Commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to prevent employment and/or occupation-related discrimination based on gender applies to all suppliers; or commits all suppliers to ILO Convention 111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation).
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all employees or operations; or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
152. Progress on commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment? - S
Comprehensive: The company provides evidence of actions taken to implement its gender policies, e.g. giving training to employees on preventing discrimination and harassment, setting up dedicated teams or committees, putting processes in place to identify and tackle discriminatory practices, having a complaints system that specifically includes gender discrimination or harassment.
Limited: Limited details given; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
153. Percentage or number of temporary employees? - S
Disabled if only a trader or if no temporary employees.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Number of temporary employees/workers across all operations or for palm oil operations, if specified. May also be called casual, contract or seasonal employees.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data between two and five years old; or does not cover whole scope of operations (i.e. only temporary employees in one country).
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. International Labour Organization (ILO) definition: Temporary employment
154. Reports gender balance of employees? - S
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports gender balance across all operations or for palm oil operations, if specified.
[0.5 points] Partial: Data between two and five years old; or does not cover whole scope of operations (i.e. only gender balance of employees in one country or only permanent employees).
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
155. Commitment to pay a living wage? - S
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment that all workers are paid a living wage.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or clearly does not cover all workers (i.e. temporary workers paid less or only covers one country), or only commits to paying the minimum wage.
[0 points] No: No commitment in place.
External sources:
RSPO definition and further information:
N.B. (1) Where minimum wage requirements exceed or equal the calculation of a living wage, a commitment to minimum wage is acceptable.
N.B. (2) Definition and calculation of living wage by the Global Living Wage Coalition as recommended by AFi
156. Commitment to pay a living wage applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment that all workers are paid a living wage applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment clearly does not cover all workers (e.g. temporary workers paid less or only covers one country); or does not
specify/not clear policy applies to all suppliers, or only commits to paying the minimum wage.[0 points] No: No commitment in place.
External sources:
RSPO definition and further information:
N.B. Definition and calculation of living wage by the Global Living Wage Coalition as recommended by AFi
157. Progress on commitment to pay a living wage? - S
N.B.(1) Where minimum wage requirements exceed or equal the calculation of a LW, a commitment to minimum wage is acceptable. N.B.(2) statements claiming all employees are paid a certain wage do not qualify for points. Figures or ratios must be stated.
Comprehensive: Evidence that all workers are paid a living wage either through reporting the ratio of the living wage to local minimum wage by country of operation or if no country benchmark available then evidence of how the living wage was calculated for each country of operation.
Limited: Only shows evidence that some workers are paid a living wage, e.g. only covers one country where the company operates; or only provides evidence that workers are paid minimum wage through reporting legal minimum wages alongside minimum wages paid by the company, or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
158. Reporting of salary by gender? - S
Scoring[1 point] Yes: The company reports salary by gender (i.e. the ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men for each employee category,
by significant locations of operation (in line with GRI reporting).[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear what the provided data relates to; or data clearly does not cover all employees or countries (e.g. only reported for
operations in one country or does not include temporary employees); or is not split by all categories listed above; or data between two and five years old.[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. employment categories are a breakdown of employees by level (such as senior management, middle management) and function (such as
technical, administrative, production) - GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016.
159. Commitment to address occupational health and safety? - S
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to address health and safety at work or similar for all workers; or commits to ILO conventions 155 and 187: Occupational Safety and Health; Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment does not cover all employees (e.g. only refers to health and safety at mills, but not on plantations).
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
160. Commitment to address occupational health and safety applies to all suppliers? - S
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to address health and safety at work for all workers applies to all suppliers; or commits all suppliers to ILO conventions 155 and 187: Occupational Safety and Health; Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment does not cover all employees (e.g. only refers to health and safety at mills, but not on plantations); or commitment only applies to some suppliers.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
161. Provision of personal protective equipment and related training? - S
If only a trader, disable if does not have physical possession of traded product.
Comprehensive: Evidence that company provides personal protective equipment (PPE) and related training (e.g. pesticide or chemical training) in relation to palm oil operations.
Limited: Only evidence of PPE or training; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
162. Time lost due to work-based injuries? - S
If only a trader, disable if does not have physical possession of traded product.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: For whole company or for palm oil operations. Acceptable metrics include lost time accident rate, lost days rate, accident frequency rate
or equivalent.[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear what the provided data relates to; or total hours lost only (not rate figure); or data clearly does not cover all employees (e.g. is only reported for operations in one country); or data between two and five years old.
[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or data does not cover palm oil operations.
163. Number of fatalities as a result of work-based accidents? - S
If only a trader, disable if does not have physical possession of traded product.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Reports number of fatalities for whole company or for palm oil operations.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear what the data relates to; or data between two and five years old; or data clearly does not cover all employees (e.g. is only
reported for operations in one country or does not cover temporary employees).[0 points] No: No data; or data over five years old; or undated; or data does not cover palm oil operations.
Smallholders and suppliers
Available points: 8.16% 16-
164. Commitment to support smallholders? - ES
Disabled if only a trader. For growers/millers disable if no smallholders.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to support both scheme/plasma and independent smallholders.
[0.5 points] Partial: Unclear commitment; or commitment does not cover all operations (e.g. only applies to one country of operations) or commitment clearly does not cover all supplying smallholders (e.g. only covers scheme or independent smallholders when the company has both).
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. (1) This indicator only applies to smallholders producing palm oil. Look for reference to improving yields and productivity, health and safety training, good agricultural practices, financial management, increasing access to inputs and markets, cooperative development, securing land tenure, certification, providing recycled material as fertiliser, etc. (list not exhaustive).
N.B. (2) If only a grower and have only scheme or independent suppliers the commitment only needs to cover those smallholders
165. Programme to support scheme smallholders? - ES
Disabled if only a trader. For growers/millers or if all crushers integrated with mills, disabled if no scheme/plasma smallholders.
N.B.(1) If operates in Indonesia, points can be awarded for plasma programme if clearly states that provides support (i.e. operates a plasma programme providing training on good agricultural practices); or if clearly states that provides support to scheme smallholders to achieve RSPO certification. N.B.(2) This indicator only applies to smallholders producing palm oil.
Comprehensive: For producers, has programme to support scheme/plasma smallholders and provides details of types of support. For processors, examples of support of upstream programmes is acceptable (e.g. financial). Examples include: yields and productivity, health and safety training, good agricultural practices, financial management, increasing access to inputs and markets, cooperative development, securing land tenure, certification, providing recycled FFBs as fertiliser, etc. (list not exhaustive).
Limited: Supports smallholders, but unclear what type of smallholders; or no details of support provided; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No programme to support smallholders; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
166. Percentage of scheme smallholders involved in programme? - ES
Disabled if only a trader. For growers/millers disabled if no scheme/plasma smallholders.
N.B. This indicator only applies to smallholders producing palm oil.
Comprehensive: Clearly states number or percentage of the company's scheme/plasma smallholders it is supporting. Can report number supporting as long as the total number of smallholders managed/contracted is also reported. For downstream actors, reports the percentage of supply that is covered by smallholder support programmes.
Limited: Provides some details on numbers of scheme/plasma smallholders supported, but unclear what the percentage is; or unclear what type of smallholders figure refers to; or figure clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only one country); or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
167. Programme to support independent smallholders? - ES
Disabled if only a trader. For growers/millers or if all crushers integrated in mills, disabled if no independent smallholders.
N.B. This indicator only applies to smallholders producing palm oil.
Comprehensive: For producers, has programme to support independent smallholders and provides details of types of support. For downstream actors, examples of support of upstream programmes is acceptable (e.g. financial). Examples include: yields and productivity, health and safety training, good agricultural practices, financial management, increasing access to inputs and markets, cooperative development, securing land tenure, certification, providing recycled FFBs as fertiliser, etc. (list not exhaustive).
Limited: Supports smallholders, but unclear what type of smallholders; or no details of support provided; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No programme to support smallholders; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
RSPO Grower ACOP 7.1 How is your company supporting Independent Smallholder groups?
168. Percentage of independent smallholders/outgrowers involved in programme? - ES
Disabled if only a trader. For growers/millers disabled if no independent smallholders.
N.B. This indicator only applies to smallholders producing palm oil.
Comprehensive: Clearly states number or percentage of independent smallholders/outgrowers supporting. For crushers and refiners only, report the % of supply that is covered by smallholder support programmes.
Limited: Provides some numbers on independent smallholders supported, but unclear how many supported directly; or unclear what type of smallholders figure refers to; or figure clearly does not cover all operations (e.g. only one country); or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
169. Process used to prioritise, assess and/or engage suppliers on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements? - ESG
Disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Describes the tools or method that the company uses to prioritise, assess and/or engage suppliers on legal or policy compliance (e.g. risk assessments, monitoring, details of engagement process, etc.).
[0.5 points] Partial: Only describes the process for ensuring compliance with some parts of legal or policy requirements (i.e. only refers to human rights compliance); or states that it has a process but limited details given; or process does not cover all operations e.g. only covers one country where the company operates.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
170. Number or percentage of suppliers assessed and/or engaged on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements? - ESG
Disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Comprehensive: Clearly provides number or percentage of suppliers assessed/engaged.
Limited: Unclear figures; or information only relates to one part of company's operations (i.e. only one country); or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
171. Suspension or exclusion criteria for suppliers? - ESG
Disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Clearly states sustainability criteria by which suppliers are excluded, including steps that will be taken and timeframes for action.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only states criteria with no timeframes for action or steps taken given; or unclear what the criteria are.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
172. Time-bound action plans (including Key Performance Indicators) for suppliers to be in compliance with palm oil sourcing commitments? - ESG
Disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Publishes time-bound action plans for all of its suppliers to be in compliance with its sustainable palm oil sourcing commitments including KPIs/milestones. KPIs for compliance must go beyond self-assessment by suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only publishes action plans for some of its suppliers; or the published action plans are not time-bound; or time-bound action plan
does not include KPIs/milestones, or compliance based on self-assessment by suppliers only.[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
N.B. Examples of actions and KPIs include, but are not limited to, targets around: traceability, self-assessment, desktop audits, on-site audits, workshops and training, monitoring, risk assessment, certification.
173. Proportion of supply from suppliers that is verified as deforestation- and/or conversion-free (DCF)? - ESG
Disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Comprehensive: Reports proportion of supply (FFB or CPO volume) from suppliers that is verified as DCF. Reporting should cover 100% of direct and indirect volumes and include the proportion not known to be DCF. Note, only partial points can be awarded if proportion of DCF volumes is based on self-assessment by suppliers only.
Limited: The company only reports some of this information; or proportion of verified DCF volumes based on self-assessment by suppliers only; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. NDPE IRF reporting can be accepted here if the content meets the scoring criteria.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
External sources:
AFi DCF guidance:
174. Time-bound plan to engage with all high risk mills within 3 years? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller, or if all crushers integrated with mills, or if 100% of sourcing (including from own operations and suppliers) is RSPO SG/IP certified with 100% traceability to plantation level.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: The company publishes time-bound action plans to engage with all own and third-party high-risk mills over a three-year period to ensure and/or increase compliance. Examples include: sharing of tools, supplier workshops/trainings, site visits.
[0.5 points] Partial: Commits to engage all mills but does not publish a time-bound action plan; or time limit is in more than three years; or unclear if
covers both own and third-party mills.[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
175. Programme to support high risk mills to become compliant with sourcing policies? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller, or if all crushers integrated with mills, or if 100% of sourcing (including from own operations and suppliers) is RSPO SG/IP certified with 100% traceability to plantation level.
Comprehensive: Has a program to support all own and third-party high-risk mills and provides examples of types of support provided. Examples include: training on company policies or best practices, technical assistance to remediate non-compliances, or financial support.
Limited: States that it provides support but does not give further details of the type of support provided; or unclear if covers both own and third-party mills.
Insufficient: No data reported.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
176. Regularly engages with a subset of high risk mills? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller, or if all crushers integrated with mills, or if 100% of sourcing (including from own operations and suppliers) is RSPO SG/IP certified with 100% traceability to plantation level.
Comprehensive: Engages with a subset of own and third-party high-risk mills on an annual basis to ensure and/or increase compliance (e.g. sharing of tools, supplier workshops/trainings, site visits).
Limited: Engages with a subset of high-risk mills less often than annually; or unclear if covers both own and third-party mills.
Insufficient: No data reported.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
177. Procedures in place to assess all own and third party supplying palm oil mills for risk level? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller, or if all crushers integrated with mills.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Publishes procedures it uses to assess all own and third-party supplying mills (e.g. classification as low, medium, and high risk).
[0.5 points] Partial: States that has a procedure to assess risk levels of mills but provides no further details on the procedure; or unclear of procedure applies to all mills; or 100% of sourcing (including from own operations and suppliers) is RSPO SG/IP certified with 100% traceability to plantation level; or if risk assessment based on self-assessment by suppliers only; or unclear if covers both own and third-party mills.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
178. Regularly assesses and categorises the risk level of all their own and third party supplying mills? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller, or if all crushers are integrated with mills.
Comprehensive: States that assesses the risk level of all its mills on an annual basis.
Limited: Only assesses some mills; or assesses mills less often than annually; or 100% of sourcing (including from own operations and suppliers) is RSPO SG/IP certified with 100% traceability to plantation level; or unclear if covers both own and third-party mills.
Insufficient: No data reported.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
179. Regularly reports the risk level of all own and third party supplying mills identified in its supply chain? - ESG
Disabled if only a grower/miller or if all crushers integrated with mills.
Comprehensive: Reports the overall risk level of all own and third-party supplying mills (e.g. percentage high, medium, low risk) on an annual basis.
Limited: Only reports the risk level for some mills; or assesses mills less often than annually; or data between two and five years old; or 100% of sourcing (including from own operations and suppliers) is RSPO SG/IP certified with 100% traceability to plantation level; or unclear if covers both own and thirdx02party mills.
Insufficient: No data; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
Governance and grievances
Available points: 3.57% 7-
180. Commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption? - G
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to both ethical/fair conduct and prohibition of corruption (or bribery/fraud).
[0.5 points] Partial: Only mentions one; or it is unclear if the commitment covers both ethical/fair conduct and prohibition of corruption; or
commitment does not cover all operations (e.g. only refers to HQ).[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
181. Commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption applies to all suppliers? - G
For growers, disabled if no suppliers including scheme smallholders and independent suppliers.
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Commitment to both ethical/fair conduct and prohibition of corruption (or bribery/fraud) applies to all suppliers.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only mentions one; or it is unclear if the commitment covers both ethical/fair conduct and prohibition of corruption; or
commitment only applies to some suppliers.[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
182. Progress on commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption? - G
Comprehensive: Provides evidence of actions taken to implement company's anti-bribery and corruption policies. For example: giving training to employees; setting up dedicated teams or committees responsible for implementation; putting processes in place to identify and mitigate bribery and corruption.
Limited: Limited details on actions taken; or data between two and five years old.
Insufficient: No examples/evidence provided; or data over five years old; or undated.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, externally verified.
[0.75 points] Partial: Limited, externally verified; OR comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.
183. Disclosure of the company's management approach to tax and payments to governments? - G
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Company discloses its management approach to tax/payments to governments through a tax strategy/policy and states a governance
body/executive level position which is responsible for the tax strategy/policy and its review.[0.5 points] Partial: Company only discloses a tax strategy or information on who is responsible for the strategy and its review; or the strategy only clearly covers parts of the company's operations (e.g. only in one country or one subsidiary); or detail on strategy is limited.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
184. Whistleblowing procedure? - G
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Whistleblowing procedure including a flowchart or clear description of steps taken by the company,
including how whistleblowers can report unethical conduct and how they are protected.[0.5 points] Partial: Only states allows for whistleblowing, but no details.
[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
185. Own grievance or complaints system open to all stakeholders? - G
Scoring[1 point] Yes: Clearly has its own grievance or complaints system (e.g. employees can fill in a specific form if they have a grievance; flowchart; or clear description of steps). This should be accessible to both internal and external stakeholders.
[0.5 points] Partial: Only states has a grievance system, but no other details; or only system for certain issues/in relation to certain policies; or only
accessible to internal or external stakeholders.[0 points] No: Does not meet requirements for this indicator.
186. Details of complaints and grievances disclosed? - G
Comprehensive: Details of complaints and grievances received through the company's own grievance mechanism are disclosed, if anonymity not requested, including the following details: date; issue; complainant category; actions taken; status.
Limited: Between one and four details disclosed.
Insufficient: None; or only provides a summary table on number and type of grievances; or data over five years old.
N.B. Companies may report practice in multiple ways but are awarded points for the highest scoring category.[1 point] Yes: Comprehensive, self-reported.
[0.5 points] Partial: Limited, self-reported.
[0 points] No: Insufficient.