Have your say on the SPOTT 2025 Timber & Pulp Indicator Framework

We would like to invite you to provide feedback to us on the SPOTT Timber and Pulp indicator framework ahead of the 2025 assessments. 

Each year we review the indicator framework to ensure it is in line with best practice and provide more detail/clarity on how information is scored. The consultation period starts today and lasts two weeks, please read the framework and provide feedback on indicators. 

A copy of the indicator framework in Excel format can be downloaded here. Column H contains the new scoring criteria, with updates to text in blue and deleted text in red. Column J summarises the changes to the framework. 


Key proposed change in the 2025 assessment

Proposed changes to scoring criteria are due to the evolution of best practice, alignment with improvements in the SPOTT Natural Rubber and Palm Oil frameworks, and a result of feedback from assessed companies and other stakeholders. 

We propose one significant change this year: 

  • Traceability Practice indicators (#40 and 42), scoring on the disclosure of percentages of traceable supply, will now award one additional point if data is externally verified. For example, a disclosure stating 50% of supply is traceable would score 0.5 points, if that data has been externally verified the score will be 1.5 due to one additional point awarded for external verification. Please see the SPOTT Methodology for the rationale behind awarding additional points and what constitutes external verification. 


How to submit your feedback

We appreciate the time it takes to review a framework so if you are limited in capacity filter column J to see all changes, but feedback on all indicators is welcome. Please add any feedback in column P labelled ‘Reviewer comments’ and email your Excel to samuel.ross@zsl.org – the last date for providing feedback on the revised indicators is Monday 24th February. 


2025 SPOTT Timber & Pulp Provisional Assessment Timeline 

  • April-May 2025 – Analysts score company reporting and create a draft SPOTT assessment for each company 
  • June-July 2025 – Assessed companies are consulted on their draft assessments  
  • August/September 2025 – The finalised assessments are published on the SPOTT website 


If you would like to discuss the indicator framework or assessments in more detail, please get in touch. If you are having issues downloading the framework we can send the Excel file via email.