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Tyre companies putting brakes on stability of sector and planet

Sam Ginger

London, UK

Michelin is the only major tyre company to report verified evidence that sections of their supply chains are deforestation-free, reveals ZSL’s latest assessment on the natural rubber sector – highlighting the vital need for companies to address deforestation and accelerate…

SPOTT Timber & Pulp Indicator Framework – Feedback Welcome

Sam Ross

London, UK

Have your say on the SPOTT 2025 Timber & Pulp Indicator Framework We would like to invite you to provide feedback to us on the SPOTT Timber and Pulp indicator framework ahead of the 2025 assessments. Each year we review…

Latest news:

IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress

Chris Eves

Freiberg, Germany

As Forestry Officer for the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), my job involves working with timber and pulp companies to improve corporate sustainability and transparency, specifically the disclosure of policies, commitments and information relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG)…

HCV management and monitoring in RSPO-certified plantations

Izabela Delabre

London, UK

A recent study commissioned by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Biodiversity and High Conservation Value (HCV) Working Group investigated the challenges to effective HCV management and monitoring (M&M) in oil palm plantations. Effective management and monitoring is important to ensure the…

Palm Lines: Supporting Indian palm oil buyers

Izabela Delabre

London, UK

India’s consumption of palm oil is the highest of any nation in the world, and the country therefore has the potential to play a significant role in driving sustainable practices. Palm Lines, a new report by WWF-India, highlights the key…

Transparency assessments show uneven implementation of ESG commitments by palm oil companies

Moritz Koenig

London, UK

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) recently published a blog post on the CFA Institute’s Asia-Pacific Research Exchange (ARX), highlighting for the first time the discrepancies between companies’ commitments and their implementation. Commodity producers were scored against a revised framework of 125…

New palm oil company assessments

Joyce Lam

London, UK

As another hazy dry season looks set to loom across Southeast Asia, the latest SPOTT assessments find palm oil producers and traders varying in their commitments to combating fires and ensuring sustainability. While some companies are making positive progress in disclosing…

Timber and pulp companies selected

Chris Eves

London, UK

The Zoological Society of London’s (ZSL) SPOTT initiative is expanding to assess the transparency of major forest product producers operating in priority tropical areas, scoring companies on their commitments to environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practice. We have selected…

Connecting Tiger Territory in Sumatra

Alexis Hatto

London, UK

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) runs conservation programmes in over 50 countries, including Indonesia, where we work to protect the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) through species monitoring, anti-poaching programmes, and engagement with local communities and industry. We recently…

RSPO European Roundtable in London

Izabela Delabre

London, UK

As ZSL’s palm oil technical advisor, I attended this year’s Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) European meeting in London on 12-13 June 2017 to take part in a panel discussion on innovation and partnerships. The entire conference provided our…

SPOTT shortlisted for new Responsible Investor Award

Clara Melot

London, UK

Prompted by a growing number of reports stressing the negative impacts of palm oil production, financial experts first called upon the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) back in 2013, given our collaborative conservation work with the industry. These signals raised awareness…

SPOTT is a ZSL initiative.
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)